
“I would recommend Maria in a heartbeat”

Maria, I can never thank you enough for the positive foundation you have helped me lay down for my daughter in terms of her sleep habits!!! I know that this is really going to benefit her in every aspect of her life. Before working with Maria, my 2.5 year old daughter was waking 3-5 times at night; she was co-sleeping with me; I was nursing her when she woke at night; and, walking around with her (and nursing her) to bed. To say I was exhausted – is an understatement! Maria provided me with the tools that I needed to not only get my daughter to sleep through the night but to sleep separately in her crib and to not need to be nursed or carried around to sleep. This was not an easy feat as my daughter fought things the entire way through. Without having to make my daughter cry hysterically through the night – Maria came up with suggestion after suggestion to help with each step. She even encouraged me to empower my daughter to help with the process. She truly had my daughter’s best interests at heart. I can see that Maria will not give up in helping her clients get the results that they want but in a gentle manner. I have found Maria to be knowledgeable, experienced, tenacious, patient, kind, and, she gave me such positive encouragement the entire time. She was available to me via email and phone call and I felt she was present with me through the process at every step when I needed her. As a result, I see my daughter waking up rested and happy and I am finally getting some rest after 2.5 years. I would recommend you in a heartbeat, Maria, to any parent needing sleep training for their child. I don’t think that there is any way that I can thank you enough for all that you have done for me and my daughter!

Stephanie and Rick
Vancouver, BC
Parents to Sleepy Miracle Sophia


“Me, my husband, and daughter are all well-rested, and enjoy our nap and bedtime routines”

Initially, I was reluctant to reach out to Maria as I was worried that my family had too many sleep issues to address. I was concerned that, even with her comprehensive training, she wouldn’t be willing or even able to help us. Here we are, though: It’s 6:35 PM and our (now 9-month-old) daughter is asleep in her crib in her bedroom. She self-settled and fell asleep easily, will sleep there for 11-12 hours, and then wake up smiling and eager to start day. Wow!

Before we worked with Maria, our 7.5-month-old daughter took four short (30 mins!) naps a day, would only nap in a swing, slept in a small crib in our room at night, and woke up 5-7 times in the night. Further, she needed to be breastfed and then held to sleep each night, and held back to sleep when she awoke (repeatedly) in the middle of the night. In fact, she would wail if I tried to sit next to the crib with a hand on her to try to calm her (rather than pick her up). We were exhausted, felt guilty about all of our ‘accidental parenting,’ and were at a loss as to how to start to address our sleep problems.

From the start, Maria shared her expertise, understanding, and patience with us. Her confidence (in her abilities, the plan, our abilities, and our baby’s abilities) inspired us to move forward. Maria helped us to select a strategy that we were comfortable with, and then provided us with a clear, step-by-step plan that was easy to follow. Further, Maria thoroughly reviewed our sleep logs, and answered my (extensive) questions via e-mail and telephone follow-ups.

While I was very anxious about the first few nights of the plan, they were far easier than I anticipated! Within just 4 nights, we could not believe how much our daughter had grown, and the comfort and confidence she displayed while falling asleep! She now self-settles and falls asleep in her own crib in her own room for her two naps, and at nighttime. Even through teething and illness, her sleep skills are clear and have made these experiences only very small bumps on the road. Me, my husband, and daughter are all well-rested, and enjoy our nap and bedtime routines. We are so grateful for Maria’s help and continue to recommend her to everyone we know experiencing sleep problems!

Christa & Thomas
Vancouver, BC
Parents to Sleepy Miracle Isabella


“Our daughter now wakes up happy”

Before we worked with Maria my husband and I had spent countless hours of bouncing our little girl on the yoga ball just to get her to sleep, although it was a great exercise it was getting a bit much. We found Maria and had heard and seen great things so we gave her a call. Right away I felt a connection and she offered advice even when we had not even hired her yet, which said a lot to me. During the process Maria was by our side the whole time. I really felt it was a team effort and believe me when I say she does not miss a single thing. She is very detail oriented which really helps the process being a success. She was always a phone call away and her response time was perfect. By the time we finished our daughter was fast asleep on her own, in her own room, and most importantly with no yoga ball.

Our daughter now wakes up happy and alert ready to start her day. With being a first time mom it was so hard to judge how long my baby should sleep, how long her naps should be, am I doing it all right. With Maria there was no second guessing I knew I was doing the right thing for my baby. Thank you Maria for helping our family get a good sleep, and thank you for being so connected with us. You really always had our best interest at heart.

Tamara & Cole
Maple Ridge, BC
Parents to Sleepy Miracle Grace


“Best decision we ever made!”

We had major sleep issues with our first child and had read many books overwhelming ourselves with information, not once thinking to hire a sleep consultant. We paid for it with many lost hours of sleep. When our second child stopped sleeping long hours we knew we had to get help. Best decision we ever made! We are so glad we chose Maria!! She is very calming and reassuring by nature and repeated much of the information we had heard but also described why it was important. She provided us with a sleep plan based on our personal choices (we did not want to use a cry it out method and wanted to continue breastfeeding before bed) and our daughter’s age (almost one year). Our daughter took to the plan immediately and started sleeping 11 hours straight from day 2! We had a few minor bumps in the process but Maria’s daily calls helped to reassure us that it was normal and we were doing the right thing. It has been a few months now and our daughter continues to sleep well every night and has learned to self-soothe. We couldn’t have done this on our own.

Erin & Daniel
Richmond, BC
Parents to Sleepy Miracle Callie


“Maria was kind and understanding the entire time”

We found our experience to be very eye opening. There were lots of issues with what we were doing to “help” our baby that were actually standing in her way of getting the rest she needed. Maria was not only patient with us but she went the extra mile to be clear and stick to her plan, even when we did not! Maria was kind and understanding the entire time and was an incredible leader for us as we needed one. It’s so easy to question everything you are doing when your baby is crying and not sleeping and you’re tired and it’s the middle of the night. Maria gave us clear direction and once we followed her plan, everything just got easier and easier. Here we are now, months later and our daughter still sleeps 11.5 hours every night through cough and colds and through teething molars.

Jordan & Ian
Vancouver, BC
Parents to Sleepy Miracle Lola


“Within two weeks our lives had completely changed for the better!”

When we first contacted Maria, I was sleeping on our 9-month old daughter’s floor on an air mattress. Her sleep was very inconsistent, sometimes she would sleep through the night but sometimes she would awaken up to five times a night! Needless to say, I was exhausted and now I realize how exhausted baby was too. I also didn’t realize that she wasn’t getting adequate naps during the day and this was affecting her sleep. We also put her in a vibrating chair in the evenings and it had turned into a sleep crutch.My maternity leave was ending so I contacted Maria after reading that she took a gentle approach to sleep training. Maria took the time to come up with a plan for us. I am pleased to say that she now loves her crib and is falling asleep within 10 minutes, and staying asleep for 11 hours each night! I am back in our bedroom and everyone is so much happier. She also has her two naps a day in her crib and is such a happy baby. We have gotten rid of her vibrating chair and now we have a routine that works for our family.The first three nights were hard and I questioned whether we could do it, but I am so glad I stuck with it because our family is so happy and healthy now! And most of all, I can be at peace knowing our baby is getting all the restful, restorative sleep she needs. Within two weeks our lives had completely changed for the better! It was the best thing we could do for the whole family. Thanks so much for your help; it has benefited our family so much.

Janice & Eric
Vancouver, BC
Parents to Sleepy Miracle Kayleigh


“We all finally wake up with smiles!”

As new parents our experience and knowledge of a child sleeping schedules or cycles where unknown. As we navigated through months of suggestions and poor attempts of avoiding our child cry to sleep, we found ourselves (all three of us) not sleeping. We experienced two-hour windows of sleep for a whole month each night. As a final attempt we brought our son to bed with us. Bad idea.

That is when we put up the white flag and surrendered. Then, that weekend, I had a long conversation with my brother, who has twins, who had a similar problem times two. He suggested we talk to Maria with Sleepy Miracles. We are very glad we did. Our son within days was sleeping almost through the night. In three week our son had his naps and overnight sleep schedule to a t. It actually took longer for us to get into a routine where we all slept better. I’m happy to say that it took a lot more effort by us the parents than our son but at the end we all finally wake up with smiles! Thank so very much, Maria!

Giovanna & Eric
Los Cayos, Florida
Parents to Sleepy Miracle Eric

Still have questions? Let’s chat! Your first call is FREE.

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